Conditions for the global reductions of a dynamical system defined on foliated manifold M are given. They are expressed by a local condition on the topology of one single leaf and a global conditio...
Théorèmes de slice et holonomie des feuilletages riemanniens singuliers Molino, Pierre ; Pierrot, M. Annales de l'Institut Fourier , Tome 37 (1987) no. 4 , p. 207-223
References top [1] R. Almeida - P. Molino - Flots riemanniens sur les 4-variétés compactes, Tohoku Math. Jour.38 (1986), 313-326. Zbl0603.57017 MR843815 [2] R. Brooks - Some Riemannian and dynamical invariants of foliations, in Differential Geometry, Proceed.
riemannian foliations by pierre molino ... feuilletages geodesibles by grant cairns ... apres une digression sur le comportement des feuilletages sur les varietes riemanniennes a courbure prescrite, nous considerons les actions geodesibles en dimension generale. finalement, nous resumons nos resultats principaux : l'etude faite en collaboration ...
finite type we prove that some of theseG-foliations must be Riemannian..P. Molino, Etude des feuilletages transversalement complets et applications,. Read More. On quasi-riemannian foliations - Springer [Mo]P. Molino: Riemannian Foliations, Birkhäuser, Boston, 1988. [O]V. I. Oseledets: A multiplicative ergodic theorem.
P. Caron et Y. Carrière,Flots transversalement de Lie ℝ n,flots transversalement de Lie minimaux, C. R. Acad. Sc. Paris, t. 291, Série A—pp. 477–478. [Car 1] Y. Carrière Flots riemanniens et feuilletages géodésibles de codimension 1, Thèse de 3ème cycle.
cairns, grant , apres une digression sur le comportement des feuilletages sur les varietes riemanniennes a courbure prescrite, , molino, . [Chatea ahora] p molino riemannian foliations - hotelfirenzemx. p molino riemannian foliations - crusher in India Crusher machine Crusher machine Shenbang stone crushing equipment is designed to , [Chatea ahora]
Advancing research. Creating connections. ISSN 1088-6826(online) ISSN 0002-9939(print)
It is known that, for a regular riemannian foliation on a compact manifold, the properties of its basic cohomology (non-vanishing of the top-dimensional group and Poincare duality) and the tautness of the foliation are closely related.
I apologize for this type of question, but I'm having some trouble to understand remark 3.4(4) on page 212 of this article, that reads The restriction of $\\overline{\\mathcal{G}}$ (the foliation
In particular, the codimension one case has been classified [12], and there is a homological classification of the dimension one case [28]. The purpose of this paper is to apply, to totally geodesic foliations of arbitrary dimension, the techniques developed in the theory of Riemannian foliations, and in particular, the works of Molino [16] [21].
Associated to a smooth foliation (M,F) are defined the basic and the foliated cohomologies. These cohomologies are related to the de Rham cohomology b…
Publicacions Matemàtiques, Vol 33 (1989), 533-541. DUALITE SYMPLECTIQUE, FEUILLETAGES ET GEOMETRIE DU MOMENT P. Molino Abstract One gives the links between th notions of singular foliations, T-structures
D. Lehmann, Sur l'approximation de certains feuilletages nilpotents par des fibrations, Compte rendus de l'Académie de sciences serie A, 286, p.251-254 (1978). Zentralblatt MATH: 0379.57004 J. Milnor, Curvatures of left invariants metrics on Lie groups , Advances in Mathematics, 21 , p.293-329 (1976).
[H-S] A. Hafliger and E. Salem, Pseudogroupes d'holonomie des feuilletages riemanniens sur des variétés compactes 1-connexes ...
ISBN: 9810218982 9789810218980: OCLC Number: 32360297: Notes: In English and French. Description: viii, 502 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm: Contents: Groupoides, feuilletages et C*-algebras, G. Hector; coarse geometry of foliations, S. Hurder; orbit-like foliations, P. Molino; isotopy of depth one foliations, J. Cantwell and L. Conlon; foliation reduction and self-duality, F.W. Kmaber et al ...
R. Almeida, P. Molino, Suites d™Atiyah et feuilletages transversale-ment complets, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Ser. I Math., 300 (1985), there is a theorem: The Lie algebroid of a TC-foliation is integrable, (i.e. is iso-morphic to the Lie algebroid of a principal bundle) if and only
min(p,dimF), forment un drapeau qu’on appellera trace de D sur F. Position du probl`eme L’objectif dans l’´etude des drapeaux de feuilletages, a ´et´e au d´epart en partant des r´esultats de Y. Carri`ere, de E. F´edida et de P. Molino sur les feuilletages([4], [9], [12] ) …
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Let M be a connected oriented closed n-manifold. A riemannian flow $$\\mathfrak{F}$$ on M is an oriented one dimensional foliation which admits a bundle-like metric. We give a caracterization of isometric flows as riemannian flows whose basic cohomology H b n−1 (M, $$\\mathfrak{F}$$ ) is non trivial in degree (n−1). A second caracterization involves the triviality of the central sheaf. We ...
Download Citation | Théorie de l'indice et géométrie basique d'un feuilletage riemannien | Dans cette thèse nous étudions la géométrie basique des feuilletages riemanniens. Nous reprenons d ...
Paper 55: Gottfried Barthel kindly pointed out that on p.158, following the proof of Theorem 3, the numbers 561 and 563 are in the wrong order: 561 = 3 * 11 * 17 is a pseudoprime, whereas 563 is prime. Paper 61: In the third line of the proof of Lemma 7, "by Remark 2" should be "by Remark 5".
Uniformly quasi-isometric foliations - Volume 13 Issue 1 - Mark Kellum
ISBN: 3764333707 9783764333706 0817633707 9780817633707: OCLC Number: 467952567: Notes: Bibliogr. p. 312-335. Index. Description: XII-339 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
Published: December 1989 Maximal subalgebras in the algebra of foliated vector fields of a riemannian foliation. Robert A. Wolak 1
Dans le but d'étudier les feuilletages riemanniens singuliers à l'aide d'une ... Donc puisque a et ß sont Riemanniennes, toute géodésique orthogonale en un ... P . MOLINO, Feuilletages Riemanniens singuliers, Publicacions Centre Re-cerca Matemàtica no. 31 (1986).
Jul 04, 2007· Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) Volume 23, Number 2 (1990), 583-588. Review: Philippe Tondeur, Foliations on Riemannian manifolds, and Pierre Molino, Riemannian ...
Pierre Molino's 18 research works with 205 citations and 189 reads, including: Lagrangian Holonomy; Characteristic Elements of a Lagrangian Foliation
[A-M] R. Almeida and P. Molino, Suites d'Atiyah et feuilletages transversalement complets, C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris Sér. I Math. 300 (1985). [B] B. Balcerzak, Lie ...
[15] P. Molino, Riemannian Foliations, Birkhauser, 1988. [16] A. S. Diallo and A. Ndiaye, On completely solvable Lie foliation, Global Journal of Advanced Research on …
arXiv:1401.3982v1 [math.DG] 16 Jan 2014 De la caractérisation matricielle des drapeaux complets d’extensions riemanniennes aux feuilletages riemanniens transversalement diagonaux sur une variété compacte connexe Cyrille Dadi (1) et Adolphe Codjia (2) Laboratoire de Mathématiques Fondamentales, Université Félix Houphouët-Boigny, ENS 08 BP 10 Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) email (1) :[email ...
[5] P. Molino, Étude des feuilletages transversalement complets et applications.Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Sup. (4)10, 288–307 (1977). Google Scholar
p molino feuilletages riemanniennes. Théorie de l'indice et géométrie basique d'un feuilletage . Nous traitons le cas particulier des feuilletages par fibration et des. We use cookies to make interactions with our website easy and meaningful, to better understand the use of our services .
Topology Vol. 12, pp. 317-325. Pergamon Press, 1973. Printed in Great Britain PROPRIETES COHOMOLOGIQUES ET PROPRIETES TOPOLOGIQUES DES FEUILLETAGES A CONNEXION TRANSVERSE PROJETABLE PIERRE MOLINO (Received 27 April 1973) INTRODUCTION SOIENT V une varidiffentiable, .F un feuilletage diffentiable sur V, Q le fibrquotient du fibrtangent T(V) par le sous …
p molino riemannian foliations - k-consultingcoza. p molino riemannian foliations - valcorcoza The Page Description ZENIT has a full coverage of coarse crushing, intermediate crushing, fine crushing and sand-making, sand-washing, feeding, sieving, conveying equipment and mobile crushing and sieving equipment ... Pierre Molino, Feuilletages ...